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Home / DEGXEL / DEGXEL’s Novelties (españolfrançais)

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  • In few words

DEGXEL society is an Austrian manufacturer of very low consumption design infrared heaters


DEGXEL heaters become “Luminous”

Light and heating become one!

The latest DEGXEL innovations, the “luminous” heater consists of a LED kit allowing to turn any DEGXEL heater into a heater + light at any time. This innovation brings a design touch and an additional feature to your heater. It is even possible to make 3 in 1 to save even more space: Luminous Mirror Heater = Heater + Mirror + Light! To know more.

radiateur cadre lumineux
radiateur luminaire


DEGXEL heaters in 22000 French pharmacies

DEGXEL mobile heater for the pharmacists

Indoor range DEGXEL heaters are not only available in 5 different finishes (white metal, tinted glass, picture, mirror, degsmart), but they also have several mounting options: wall, ceiling, column or foot rails for freestanding mobile heaters.

One of our industrial partners chose mobile DEGXEL heaters with foot rails for freestanding in order to offer their pharmacists an effective, design and low consumption heating solution.

radiateur mobile pour pharmacies
chauffage pour pharmacies
chauffage électrique pharmacies


Discover DEGXEL heaters in the Showrooms of “Plateforme du Bâtiment”

The very low consumption for the professionals of the construction industry

The main ranges of indoor DEGXEL heaters are to be seen within the wholesaler stores for construction “La Plateforme du bâtiment”. These stores and information points are reserved for construction professionals. More than 100 stores and warehouses in FRANCE.


DEGXEL: the most economic heating solution for 20 years

The independent engineering firm GENIO ranked DEGXEL heaters as heating solution n°1

At the request of the international construction company STRABAG, the engineering firm GENIO BAUPHYSIK gmbh, specialised in heating engineering, was commissioned to undertake an independent comparative study. The objective of this study (conducted in 2019) is to compare, over a period of 20 years, the profitability of the main heating solutions in the market. Therefore, the engineering firm compared the following solutions in a new apartment (with the latest insulation standards) of 90 m2 located in Austria:

  • heating with DEGXEL HEAT4ALL far infrared heaters
  • heating with classical water heaters (production of centralised gas type heating)
  • heating with fan coil unit (hot water convectors)
  • underfloor heating (water) associated with the latest generation heat pump.

All the equipment taken into account in the study reflect high performances, each in its class. It is therefore a representative study in terms of latest generation technologies, as well as construction methods that meet the latest standards.


  • Heating with DEGXEL HEAT4ALL far infrared heaters is the most economic heating solution among all solutions.
  • Our solution is 8% more economic than the second ranked solution (heat pump + hydraulic underfloor heating).

At last, it is pointed out that the results were obtained thanks to the specific efficiency of DEGXEL radiant heaters (71% of radiation rate, emissivity, etc.). The results of this study cannot be in any case extrapolated to infrared heaters of lower quality.

>>>> See the details of this study

Les radiateurs DEGXEL classés les plus économiques à l'usage
Fabricant radiateurs infrarouges
Fabricant radiateurs infrarouges
DEGXEL news on Foxof.com
DEGXEL news on Foxof.com
DEGXEL society is an Austrian manufacturer of very low consumption design infrared heaters. DEGXEL heaters become “Luminous”Light and heating become one!. DEGXEL heaters in 22000 French pharmacies. The very low consumption for the professionals of the construction industry
Best housing innovations