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Home / Domestic Hot Water Production / Storage Water Heater Latest Innovations (español – français)
Latest innovations Electric Water Heater
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consumption savings + compactness + durability
With only 24 cm of thickness this water heater occupies less than 50% of the floor space of a conventional water heater
Equipped with 3 independent tanks, this new generation water heater allows to heat only the amount of water you need, no more no less. The innovation is that the volume of water heated = the volume of water used. Energy savings are estimated between -30% to -50% of a conventional water heater (cumulus) consumption.
The limestone creation is limited by the peripheral heating principle used (water heater surrounded by a heating belt). The hot water is of perfect hygiene due to the stainless structure and the absence of internal resistance.
When connected to 2 solar panels, you get a stand-alone home consumption solution.
The water heater has a 10 years warranty (made in France) and a lifespan of about 20 years, 2 to 3 times longer than traditional water heaters. It’s available in 3 sizes from 2 people up to 5-6 people for large families.
In terms of mobile connectivity, it is controllable by an application to control the consumption.
Another advantage, the smart electric water heater is supplied ready to connect (pre-mounted security group, pre-mounted shut-off valve, pre-mounted temperature limiter, pre-mounted power cable).
savings on operation
An over insulation of the water heater walls for less heat losses
The QUANTUM range water heaters have a reinforced insulation (60 mm polyurethane) to limit as much as possible the heat losses as shown in the chart below. Compared to the market average it is up to a 47% heat loss decrease.
The level of control allowed by the interface and the 4 temperature sensors is unprecedented: current status, consumption history, programming, hygiene, etc.
To know more about heat pump water heaters
Comparison electric and heat pump water heater